Patients & Visitors
Current Visitor Guidelines
Effective: Monday, June 27, 2022
Santa Rosa Medical Center (SRMC) believes strongly in the concept of family centered care. Visits from family and friends are important to a patient's recovery. For the ultimate welfare of the patient, however, visiting procedures regarding hours and length of visitation and number of visitors, etc., must be observed to meet appropriate patient care standards.
- Visitors will be expected to observe rules of conduct as outlined below or may be asked to leave the patient room and/or SRMC.
- Wear shoes and shirt for health and safety reasons.
- Be sensitive to the condition and need for privacy of each patient.
- Observe precautions if visiting a patient in a high-risk area or isolation.
- Children under age of 12:
- It is not recommended for children under the age of 12 to visit any patient, with the exception of siblings of newborns with adult supervision other than the patient. Other areas, with permission from the nursing staff and/or charge nurse, children may be allowed to make brief visits only if they are not actively sick and if supervised at all times by a responsible adult other than the patient (under no circumstances are these visitors permitted to stay under supervision of patient for any extended period of time).
- Children under age of 12 are not permitted to visit ICU/ED patients unless exception granted on an individual basis by unit director or designee.
- Children under age of 12 are not permitted to visit patients on isolation.
- Visiting Hours: Established by administration and will apply to all units except those listed below. Visitors will be expected to adhere to posted visitor hours.
- ICU: Two (2) persons due to space constraints within the ICU for the safety of our patients. Established "quiet times" are one hour during shift changes (am/pm) as well as 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
- Emergency Department: Adult patients should not be allowed visitors until after a medical screening exam and then visitation is limited to two (2) unless there are special circumstances recognized by charge nurse and/or physician based on individual patient needs. Visitors are required to check in with a registration clerk who will contact the ED nurses' station prior to visiting.
- General Visitation Rules: Patients in isolation will have additional visitor requirements. Visitation is only permitted between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.
- Two (2) visitors per patient in a semi-private room or the ICU. Four (4) visitors in a private room.
- Waiting areas are provided for visitors; the primary waiting area is in the main hospital entrance.
- No information regarding a patient's condition may be released without appropriate pass code information.
- SRMC has a designated smoking section for visitors that is located away from the immediate vicinity of the building. Smoking will only be permitted in this area on campus.
- After 9 p.m., all entrances are closed except for the ED entrance and all visitors are asked to exit the building to provide rest for our patients.
All visitors are asked to practice infection prevention.
- For the protection of patients, staff and other visitors, visitors are encouraged to postpone their visit for another time if they have a fever or are feeling "under the weather."
- Sanitize hands when entering the hospital and when entering or exiting patient rooms.
- Cover coughs or sneezes with elbow or a tissue and dispose of used tissues in the trash. Sanitize hands after coughing or sneezing.