Maternity Care
At Santa Rosa Medical Center, care begins in the earliest stages of pregnancy with prenatal checkups, health screenings and services tailored to each patient's specific needs. You'll learn about proper nutrition and preparation as you work with your obstetrican-gynecologogist or midwife to develop a birth plan, choose a pediatrician and prepare for this life change.
Common Prenatal Tests, Screenings & Services
Prenatal tests and screenings may include the following, depending on your health and the health of your baby:
- Ultrasound scan
- Biophysical profile
- Triple screen
- Fetal non-stress test
- Quad screen test
- Glucose tolerance test
- First trimester screen
- Sonogram
High-Risk Pregnancy Care
Obstetrics providers work collaboratively with perinatologists (doctors who specialize in high-risk pregnancy care) to manage pregnancy-related conditions, as well as provide specialized care for women with existing medical conditions.
Labor and Delivery
Delivery rooms provide everything your doctors, nurses and other maternal specialists need to provide you with quality obstetric care. The experienced labor and delivery staff utilizes a range of medical technologies in these suites to all labors to a safe and successful delivery..
If you have had a C-section in the past, you may be able to deliver your next baby vaginally. Many obstetricians at the Santa Rosa Medical Center Baby Suite are experienced in vaginal birth after cesarean deliveries (more commonly known as "VBACs"). Having a vaginal birth after having a C-section can be an option for many women. You and your physicians can decide in advance if this approach is right for you.
Midwifery Services
We offer midwifery services for those seeking personalized obstetrics care—including low-intervention deliveries—in a supportive, comfortable environment. Certified nurse midwives care for women through pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum, including prenatal visits, providing support and education. They collaborate with Santa Rosa's OB/GYNs to provide compassionate care.
Meet the Providers
Maternal Levels of Care Verification
We're proud to announce we have been given a Maternal Levels of Care Verification. Our verification means that our team, and network of partners, are expertly prepared to respond to a mom's health needs during and after birth. We have the processes and partnerships in place to safely care for a mom, no matter what comes.
Patient Testimonial