The Baby Suite at Santa Rosa Medical Center
Welcome to the Baby Suite. A Unique and Comfortable Birth Experience
If you haven't heard it enough already, congratulations!
Special Deliveries since 1958
The Baby Suite at Santa Rosa Medical Center is proud to have been a part of so many special deliveries. Having a baby is an exciting event in your life - full of changes, challenges, questions and expectations. The family of physicians, nurses and staff at Santa Rosa is here to respond to all your health needs with a personalized plan for your care.
Our goal is to see you through pregnancy, labor and delivery, newborn care and beyond. We want to make sure you get individualized attention from prenatal care through follow-up appointments. Your family is important to the professional family here at Santa Rosa.
Our Commitment to You
We want you to have a positive pregnancy and birthing experience with us at Santa Rosa Medical Center. We are committed to offering you quality care, which includes:
- Individual birthing plans
- Prenatal education
- Private LDRP rooms, where you will stay through your entire visit
- 24-hour lactation support by staff
- Individualized tours for your family
- Celebration meals for parents
Why Should I Have My Baby at the Baby Suite?
From prenatal to postpartum care, the Baby Suite is equipped with a team of OB/GYNs, specialty nurses and other professionals who all strive to support your birthing plan in a comfortable, welcoming environment. We care about you and want to connect right away!
Most of the staff live in this community and we love working in the Baby Suite. Many of us have had our babies here, welcomed our grandchildren into the world here and encourage our friends and families to have their babies here. A few of us have even been born here.
We love our jobs and we love helping our fellow moms during the birthing process. We would love to meet with you individually and show you how we can help you have a wonderful birth experience.
View a virtual tour
Spacious and Private Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Postpartum Suites (LDRP)
Santa Rosa Medical Center offers private, comfortable labor and delivery suites, as well as recovery rooms for mothers and their babies. You will have a private labor and delivery room spacious enough to comfortably enjoy this experience with family and friends.
Support Services and Education
Santa Rosa Medical Center offers free, fun and informative classes to expectant parents. Classes are taught by an experienced registered nurse. Attending childbirth classes can help you approach the big day with confidence. Knowing what to expect during labor, delivery and recovery may help reduce the anxiety you may have about your hospital stay. Visit the events page to register.
Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact
Research shows that skin-to-skin contact in the first hour of a baby's life is extremely beneficial to a baby. We make every effort, outside of emergency situations, to facilitate this important, time-honored tradition.
Qualified Staff
Santa Rosa Medical Center has obstetricians (OBs) and delivery nurses on staff to provide you with care that is focused on the health of the mother as well as the baby. Meet the staff here.
Breastfeeding Support
The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous. Though breastfeeding is completely natural, many new mothers have some difficulty getting started, which is why we are proud to offer lactation and breastfeeding support through a board-certified lactation consultant.
We want you to have peace of mind, knowing that your baby's health and safety is our top priority. We also have advanced technology that automatically locks the doors if a baby gets too close to them without prior authorization.
Santa Rosa Medical Center is a proud supporter of the March of Dimes.
Santa Rosa Medical Center is an active participant in the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC), which aims to reduce primary cesarean section rates with the goal of advancing the health and well-being of all Florida mothers and infants.
Santa Rosa Medical Center is also an active participant in the Florida Healthy Babies initiative. We continue to work together to reduce infant mortality and help our youngest Santa Rosa County residents and their families.